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Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Sculpture
"Αριστουργήματα αρχαίας ελληνικής γλυπτικής" (Πρωτότυπος τίτλος στα ελληνικά)
Συγγραφή: · Φωτεινή Ν. Ζαφειροπούλου
Φωτογραφία: · Ηλίας Ηλιάδης · Σωκράτης Μαυρομμάτης
Έκδοση: Δεκέμβριος 2005 από "Μέλισσα"
Σελ.:280 (34χ25), Πανόδετο, ISBN: 960-204-264-8
Θέμα: "Γλυπτική, Ελληνική"
Ancient Greek sculpture, a par excellence anthropomorphic art, constitutes one of the most important chapters in human expression of all time. Each period approaches it with its own cultural armory and its own "eyes". For modern man, sculptures, at least until the end of the Classical period, adorned "loci sancti", places of worship and cemeteries. They were images of gods, heroes, mythical beings and the dead.
This book aspires to enhance the "beauty" of ancient Greek sculpture, through choice works from museums in Greece, Europe and the United States of America. Brief descriptions and comments bring the reader into contact with the milieu -geographical, historical, social and religious- in which this art was created and which contributed to its development. The illustrations adopt a different, a selective approach, which consciously avoids the whole and focuses on details. Details that reveal particular facets of the sculptural creation and reflect the "eye" of two exceptionally talented Greek photographers, Elias Eliadis and Sokratis Mavrommatis. Thus, this "history" of ancient Greek sculpture functions as a visual quest whose goal is to breath life into soulless museum exhibits.
(The publisher)
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(2007) Delos, Κρήνη
(2007) Delos, Κρήνη
(2007) Delos, Κρήνη
(2007) Delo, Κρήνη
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(1998) Paros, Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων