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Michigan Proficiency: Preliminary Practice Tests for the Michigan ECPE: Teacher's Book
Revised Edition 2006
Συγγραφή: · Diane Flanel - Piniaris
Έκδοση: 2006 από "New Editions"
Σελ.:192 (21χ28), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-403-371-9
Θέμα: "Αγγλική γλώσσα - Διδακτικά βιβλία για ξένους" "Αγγλική γλώσσα - Σπουδή και διδασκαλία"
"Michigan Proficiency Preliminary Practice Tests" contains 25 practice tests for the Michigan ECPE Preliminary Test, plus a wealth of supplementary exercises to help students improve their performance in each of the skill areas tested on the exam.
(2009) Total FCE Test Book, New Editions
(2008) Michigan ECCE Skills Builder, New Editions
(2008) Michigan ECCE Skills Builder, New Editions
(2008) Michigan Proficiency Practice Tests, New Editions
(2008) Michigan Proficiency Practice Tests, New Editions
(2008) Michigan Proficiency All Star Practice Tests, New Editions
(2008) Michigan Proficiency All Star Practice Tests, New Editions
(2008) Total FCE / ECCE Course Book, New Editions
(2008) Total FCE / ECCE Course Book, New Editions
(2008) Total FCE / ECCE Companion, New Editions
(2008) Total FCE / ECCE Companion, New Editions
(2008) Total FCE Test Book, New Editions
(2008) Michigan Proficiency Listening and Speaking, New Editions
(2008) Michigan Proficiency Listening and Speaking, New Editions
(2008) Total ECCE Test Book, New Editions
(2008) Total FCE / ECCE Optimiser, New Editions
(2008) Total FCE / ECCE Optimiser, New Editions
(2005) Michigan All Star Preliminary Practice Tests, New Editions
(2005) Michigan All Star Preliminary Practice Tests, New Editions
(2004) Michigan All Star Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2004) Michigan All Star Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2004) Michigan ECCE Practice Tests, New Editions
(2004) Michigan ECCE Practice Tests, New Editions
(2004) Michigan Proficiency Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2004) Michigan Proficiency Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2004) Michigan Proficiency Listening & Speaking, New Editions
(2004) Michigan Proficiency Listening & Speaking, New Editions
(2003) The New Masterclass Proficiency Companion, New Editions
(2003) The New Masterclass Proficiency Companion, New Editions
(2001) Michigan All-Star Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2001) Michigan All-Star Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2001) Glossary for Michigan All-Star Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2001) Michigan Proficiency Listening and Speaking, New Editions
(2001) Michigan Proficiency Listening and Speaking, New Editions
(2001) Michigan First Certificate Practice Tests, New Editions
(2000) Michigan Proficiency Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2000) Michigan All-Star ECCE Practice Tests, New Editions
(2000) Michigan Proficiency Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(2000) Michigan Proficiency Final Practice Tests, New Editions
(1999) Michigan First Certificate Skills Builder, New Editions
(1999) Michigan Proficiency Skills Builder, New Editions
(1999) Michigan Proficiency Skills Builder, New Editions
(1999) Glossary for Michigan Proficiency Skills Builder, New Editions
(1999) Glossary for Michigan Proficiency Preliminary Practice Tests, New Editions
(1999) Michigan Proficiency Preliminary Practice Tests, New Editions
(1999) Michigan Proficiency Preliminary Practice Tests, New Editions
(1998) Michigan First Certificate Practice Tests, New Editions
(1998) Michigan First Certificate Skills Builder, New Editions