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Minoan Crete
Between Myth and History: The Minoan Art: The Religion: The palaces
"Μινωική Κρήτη: Ανάμεσα στο μύθο και την ιστορία: Η μινωική τέχνη: Η θρησκεία: Τα ανάκτορα " (Πρωτότυπος τίτλος στα ελληνικά)
Συγγραφή: ·Λίτσα Ι. Χατζηφώτη
Έκδοση: 2005 από "Toubi´s"
Σελ.:127 (24χ17), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-540-575-Χ
Θέμα: "Κρήτη - Αρχαιότητες" "Ελλάς - Αρχαιότητες - Οδηγοί"
Minoan Crete is a place in which a great many elements of European civilisation appear for the first time, with architectural monuments that are unique in area, volume, wealth and history; international trade relations with all the known peoples of the world at that time, especially ancient Egypt, where there is abundant evidence of the Keftiu who have been identified as Cretans; a religion manifest in every expression of daily life; love of nature confirmed, inter alia, by the presence of the plant, marine and animal worlds in works of art; respect for the human being demonstrated by the attention to and care of the dead in magnificent necropolises; and above all their singular art, whose duration is long and multifaceted. It is a place, then, whose myths, tradition, and high level of culture attract and charm anyone who decides to investigate it.
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(2005) Das Minoische Kreta, Toubi's
(2004) Απόστολος Παύλος, Toubi's
(2004) Die Akropolis von Athen, Toubi's
(2004) Η Ακρόπολη των Αθηνών, Toubi's
(2004) The Akropolis of Athens, Toubi's
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