*Αποστολή σε 2-4 εργάσιμες μέρες
Τιμή Λεμόνι: 55,52 €
The Business of Olympic Games Sponsorship
Incentives and Rewards
Συγγραφή: · Νέλλη Καψή · Ελένη Μπενέκη
Έκδοση: Απρίλιος 2004 από "Κέρκυρα - Economia Publishing"
Σελ.:244 (28χ23), Σκληρό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-8386-06-3
Θέμα: "Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες"
[...]This book provides many leads for a more in-depth study of the wilde-ranging effects of the Athens Olympics. Once the Games have ended, challenges, achievements, opportunities - gained and lost - will be placed under the microscope of history.
"The business of Olympic Games sponsorship: Incentives and rewards" takes a close and careful look at the relationship that exists between companies and the Olympic Movement. It seems that corporate support has become an integral part of the Game's existence.[...]
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