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FCE Practice Exam Papers 1: Glossary
FCE Practice Exam Papers 1 and FCE Listening & Speaking Skills 1
Συγγραφή: ·Virginia Evans ·James Milton
Έκδοση: Σεπτέμβριος 2010 από "Express Publishing"
Σελ.:30 (28χ21), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-361-714-8
Θέμα: "Αγγλική γλώσσα - Διδακτικά βιβλία για ξένους" "Αγγλική γλώσσα - Σπουδή και διδασκαλία"
The book provides systematic practice and development of students/ reading, use of English and writing skills at intermediate and upper-intermediate level. The book offers excellent preparation for the revised Cambridge First Certificate Examination for December 2008, as well as any other examinations at the same level.
Key Features:
- 10 Practice tests (Papers 1, 2 and 3) providing thorough preparation for the Reading, Writing and Use of
English papers of the revised Cambridge First Certificate Examination
- further practice on word distractors, "key" word transformation, words often confused, error correction, word formation, open cloze and multiple choice close.
(2010) FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 1: Student's Book, Express Publishing
(2010) FCE Listening & Speaking Skills 2: Student's Book, Express Publishing
(2006) IELTS Practice Tests 2: Student's Book, Express Publishing
(2006) IELTS Practice Tests 2: Book with Answers, Express Publishing
(2006) IELTS Practice Tests 1: Student's Book, Express Publishing
(2006) IELTS Practice Tests 1: Book with Answers, Express Publishing
(2001) Practice Exam Papers 2 and FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 2, Express Publishing
(2001) Practice Exam Papers 3 and FCE Listening and Speaking Skills, Express Publishing
(2001) Language Aptitude Tests, Express Publishing
(2001) LAT: Language Aptitude Tests: Pack, Express Publishing
(2000) Practice Exam Papers 1 and FCE Listening and Speaking Skills, Express Publishing
(2000) FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 1, Express Publishing
(1999) A Good Turn of Phrase, Express Publishing
(1999) A Good Turn of Phrase, Express Publishing
(1999) FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 3, Express Publishing
(1998) A Good Turn of Phrase, Express Publishing
(1998) A Good Turn of Phrase, Express Publishing
(1998) Practice Exam Papers 3 and FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 3, Express Publishing
(1998) FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 2, Express Publishing