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Herbs, Greens, Fruit
The Key to the Mediterranean Diet: 100 Recipes and 30 Beverages
"Βότανα & φρούτα, γεύσεις ζωής" (Πρωτότυπος τίτλος στα ελληνικά)
Συγγραφή: · Μυρσίνη Λαμπράκη
Μετάφραση: ·Γιώργος Τριαλώνης
Εικονογράφιση: ·Douwe Hoogstins ·Παναγιώτης Μπελτζινίτης · Μυρσίνη Λαμπράκη
Έκδοση: Μάιος 2001 από "Myrsinis Editions"
Σελ.:173 (23χ16), Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-91513-4-5
Θέμα: "Βότανα - Θεραπευτική χρήση"
The Ancient Greeks and Romans recognized over 1000 different species of herbs, greens and fruit. Homer wrote about 80 of these and Hippocratos and Theophrastus were familiar with over 300. Charlemagnie, in 800 AD, drew up a list of significant aromatic plants which are found in the Mediterranean. Looking through it, Herbs, Greens, Fruit, you will become acquained not only with the myths and history surrounding these plants, but also with their uses as folk medicine and their heaing values. Create your own tasty and wholesome dishes and beverages. Experiment by adding herbs, greens and fruit to your cuisine and you will be impressed by the fragrance and flavour they give to the recipes.
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(2006) Ελληνική γαστρονομία, Explorer
(2005) Tastes of Greek Islands, Santorini, Myrsinis Editions
(2005) Der Geschmack der griechischen Inseln, Santorin, Myrsinis Editions
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(2004) Νήσων γεύσεις, Explorer
(2000) Olio d’oliva. L’elisirio della longevita, Myrsinis Editions
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