*Ενδέχεται κάποια βιβλία που δεν είναι σε απόθεμα στο βιβλιοπωλείο να προκύψουν ως εξαντλημένα στον εκδότη τους, στην περίπτωση αυτή θα λάβετε ενημέρωση εντός 2 ημερών

PTE General 2: Preparation and 10 Practice Tests: Student's Book

Συγγραφή: ·Κωνσταντίνος Ν. Γρίβας
Έκδοση: Σεπτέμβριος 2010 από "Grivas Publications"
Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, ISBN: 960-409-578-1

Θέμα: "Αγγλική γλώσσα - Διδακτικά βιβλία για ξένους" "Αγγλική γλώσσα - Σπουδή και διδασκαλία"

Preparation and 10 Practice Tests for PTE General - Level 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been designed to provide students with ample practice and thorough coverage of all the sections in each examination. They also include a wide range of exercises designed to cover all possible weaknesses in students knowledge, whether grammatical, lexical or structural, ensuring they will be well prepared to succeed at each Level.

Each book includes:

- a detailed overview of the new examination.
- extensive preparation for each section of the examination.
- ten complete practice tests.

Preparation Section:

- Vocabulary development based around and expanding on the three themes the students will encounter in each test.
- Language awareness exercises designed to enrich students' structural and syntactical knowledge.
- Examination skills, which develop students' ability to deal confidently with all sections of the new examination.
- Exam-style practice, giving students presentation for the practice tests, in a miniature form.

Key Features at each Level:

- Extensive listening practice based on tasks similar to those used in sections 1 and 3.
- Dictation and spelling practice to help candidates cope with the dictation task in section 2.
- Reading skills and practice to familiarise students with the demands of the various task types in sections 4-7.
- Writing skills for all the writing tasks encountered in sections 8 and 9.
- Sample answers for the writing in section 8.
- Writing guides for all task types at the back of each book.
- A separate Speaking skills section, with vocabulary and structures for all topics likely to be encountered. This will enable students to gain the accuracy and fluency they need in sections 10, 11 and 13.
- A Functional Language section, with ways of expressing opinions, feelings, suggestions, etc., to help students improve their writing and speaking skills.
- A Grammar Review at the back of each book, which provides students with a quick revision of level-appropriate grammatical and structural items. These are tested through error correction, and will help students especially in the writing and speaking sections.

(2010) PTE General 3: Preparation and 10 Practice Tests: Student's Book, Grivas Publications

(2010) 12 Practice Tests for the ECCE: Cd's, Grivas Publications

(2010) Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test: Student's Book, Grivas Publications

(2010) Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test: Companion and Answer Key, Grivas Publications

(2010) 12 Practice Tests for the ECCE: Student's Book, Grivas Publications

(2010) New Generation: Michigan ECPE Practice Tests: Student's Book, Grivas Publications

(2009) The Magic Ball: Junior B: Grammar Book, Grivas Publications

(2009) Grammar and Structure for the ECPE: Student's Book, Grivas Publications

(2009) New Generation: Michigan ECPE Practice Tests: Companion, Grivas Publications

(2009) Writing Skills for the ECPE: Student's Book, Grivas Publications

(2009) Preparation and Practice Tests for the ΚΠΓ B2, Grivas Publications

(2008) On Course FCE, Grivas Publications

(2008) Speaking Listening Writing Skills FCE 2008, Grivas Publications

(2008) Use Of English FCE, Grivas Publications

(2008) On Course Plus For the Mich ECCE & Cambr.FC, Grivas Publications

(2008) New Generation ECCE-FCE Pract.Tests Plus 2008, Grivas Publications

(2008) New Generation Pract.Tests Plus ECCE & Fc Companio, Grivas Publications

(2008) Gvr Skills ECCE Plus-Use Of Engl & Read Skills FCE, Grivas Publications

(2008) Gvr Plus Gramm Voc Read Companion, Grivas Publications

(2008) Speaking Listening & Writing Skills ECCE-FCE 2008, Grivas Publications

(2008) On Course For The Michigan ECPE + Companion, Grivas Publications

(2004) Αγγλικά στην πράξη, Σιδέρη Μιχάλη

(2004) Αγγλικά στην πράξη, Σιδέρη Μιχάλη

(2003) Practice Tests for the Michigan ECCE, Grivas Publications

(2002) Use of english 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Reading and CPE Practice Tests 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Go Ahead, Grivas Publications

(2002) Grammar Today 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring English 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring English 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring English 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Let's Write 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring english 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring english 3, Grivas Publications

(2002) Start Now, Junior B, Grivas Publications

(2002) Starting Steps in Grammar, Grivas Publications

(2002) Go Ahead, Grivas Publications

(2002) Go Ahead, Grivas Publications

(2002) Go Ahead Plus, Grivas Publications

(2002) Go Ahead Plus, Grivas Publications

(2002) Grammar Today 4, Grivas Publications

(2002) Gateway 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Use of English 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Go Ahead Plus, Grivas Publications

(2002) Grammar Today 3, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring First Certificate 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Grammar Today 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring English 3, Grivas Publications

(2002) Skyline, junior B, Grivas Publications

(2002) Speaking, Listening and Writing 3, Grivas Publications

(2002) Speaking, Listening and Writing 4, Grivas Publications

(2002) Target, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring english 4, Grivas Publications

(2002) Starting steps in grammar, junior A, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring English Grammar 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring English Grammar 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring Use of English 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring English Grammar 3, Grivas Publications

(2002) Let's Write 3, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring English 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring First Certificate 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring english 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Listening 2, Grivas Publications

(2002) Exploring First Certificate 1, Grivas Publications

(2002) An English-Greek Dictionary of English Idioms, Σιδέρη Μιχάλη

(2001) Final Tests for the Michigan Proficiency, Grivas Publications

(2001) Galaxy Grammar and Companion 2, Grivas Publications

(2001) Final Tests for the Michigan Proficiency, Grivas Publications

(2001) CPE Practice, Grivas Publications

(2001) Galaxy Grammar and Companion 1, Grivas Publications

(2001) Let's Write 2, Grivas Publications

(2001) Exploring English 3, Grivas Publications

(2001) Exploring English Grammar 4, Grivas Publications

(2001) Exploring First Certificate 1, Grivas Publications

(2001) Exploring First Certificate 2, Grivas Publications

(2001) Exploring Use of English 2, Grivas Publications

(2001) Start now, Junior A, Grivas Publications

(2001) An English-Greek Dictionary of English Idioms, Σιδέρη Μιχάλη

(2000) Let's Write 4, Grivas Publications

(2000) Guided Composition and Letter Writing, Grivas Publications

(2000) Guided Composition and Letter Writing, Grivas Publications

(2000) Exploring First Certificate 2, Grivas Publications

(2000) Reading Comprehension 1, Grivas Publications

(2000) Guided Composition and Letter Writing 2, Grivas Publications

(2000) English Grammar in Practice and Use of English 5, Grivas Publications

(2000) First Steps to Composition through Pictures, Grivas Publications

(2000) English Grammar in Practice 4, Grivas Publications

(2000) Reading Comprehension 2, Grivas Publications

(1999) Guided Composition and Letter Writing 1, Grivas Publications

(1999) Use of English 1, Grivas Publications

(1999) Use of English 2, Grivas Publications

(1997) Open up through English 1, Grivas Publications

(1997) Open up through English 2, Grivas Publications

(1996) Use of English 1,2, Grivas Publications

(1994) Oral and Listening Practice 1, Grivas Publications

(1990) Interview Practice 2, Grivas Publications

(1990) Interview Practice 1, Grivas Publications

(1990) Companion to Interview Practice 1, Grivas Publications

(1990) Companion to Interview Practice 2, Grivas Publications

(1990) Companion to Interview Practice 1, Grivas Publications

(1989) Interview Practice 1, Grivas Publications

(1989) Interview Practice 2, Grivas Publications

(1987) Guided Composition and Letter Writing 3, Grivas Publications

Το βιβλιοπωλείο "Λεμόνι"

Ξεκίνησε την λειτουργία του τον Μάιο του 1998. Βρίσκεται στο ιστορικό κέντρο της Αθήνας στην περιοχή του θησείου, στον πεζόδρομο της οδού Ηρακλειδών. Επιλέγει πάντα τους καλύτερους τίτλους απο την ελληνική βιβλιογραφία και τις νέες εκδόσεις. Διαθέτει άρτια ενημέρωση στην ποίηση στη φιλοσοφία και στη λογοτεχνία και οργανώνει σε τακτά διαστήματα παρουσιάσεις βιβλίων από συγγραφείς, καθώς και εκθέσεις εικαστικών καλλιτεχνών. Το ηλεκτρονικό μας κατάστημα ενημερώνεται από εμάς τους ίδιους.

Όροι Χρήσης - Ασφάλεια Συναλλαγών - Πολιτική επιστροφών


  • ΤΗΛ.:210 3451390

  • ΦΑΞ.:210 3451910

  • Email: books@lemoni.gr

  • Διεύθυνση:
    Ηρακλειδών 22, Θησείο 118 51, Αθήνα

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